…since my father’s passing four weeks ago, that I took a day for myself.
Sure I sent out some emails, lettered a little Red Sonja, and worked on the new re-release of M3…
But I ALSO allowed myself to do a crossword puzzle and to screw up a Sudoku (I did it in pen).
We ran an errand or two, and hubs watched Concussion (which was probably NOT the best move, considering the subject matter, and I’ll just say I used to play hockey so now he has something ELSE to worry about when it comes to me).
Hubs made a great steak dinner (we DIDN’T copy you, Kin!), and we got in a few episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix. And we even got to argue about Mask of the Phantasm. I was able to breathe for a moment. Just…One…Moment…
Then the guilt seeps in. Despite actually needing a break (both hubs and I are physically and emotionally drained, and I believe I may be on the verge of clinical exhaustion), I still feel guilty.
There’s still a great deal that needs to be done regarding dad’s estate, and I feel like I’m running against the clock. Yet, here I am, sitting on the couch, writing this, and watching (quasi) bad movies (Fantastic Four). Poor Ben Grimm.
Is it wrong to just want to get back to my life? That’s the biggest question I’ve been wrestling with…If you find the answer, let me know…